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Cricket Memorabilia Society

The CMS was founded in April 1987 by a small group of enthusiastic collectors with the aim of promoting interest in, and the preservation of, Cricket Memorabilia. Current membership is largely UK based with some overseas, particularly in Australia. A warm welcome is given to new members attending meetings.

The objectives of the CMS are:-

  • to provide a forum, including regular meetings, for members to discuss and debate collecting and identifying memorabilia in its many forms
  • to attract former Test & County cricketers and others to our meetings to speak and share their experiences and to sign related memorabilia
  • to produce a regular, informative and amusing quality illustrated magazine
  • to organise auctions of high quality/excellent value items at very reasonable commission rates
  • to encourage and support deserving, valid research
  • to publish or produce ad hoc items either as information or which themselves are memorabilia
  • to work towards maintaining fair and reliable prices and advise insurers, brokers and members of the public on valuations

Our members collect an amazing range of items from books, Wisdens, autographs and postcards, to bats, blazers, caps and ties, ceramics, metalware and paintings. Whatever your memorabilia interest – and it might not be listed above – other members are likely to share in it so this is the Society for you!

We have an elected Committee, and generally we hold four meetings on Saturdays between the end of the County season and Easter in the following year, at a County Cricket Club, including Lord’s.

A typical meeting has a mid-morning start, a short business update, discussion with and signing of memorabilia by our guests then an opportunity for lunch. From early afternoon, our guests and members hold the floor. Several members set up tables with a variety of (portable) memorabilia items offered for sale at reasonable prices. There is always an opportunity to exchange news, views and comment.

Generally twice a year, Members’ auctions take place in the afternoon managed and co-ordinated by the Auction Committee. This gives a great opportunity for both sellers and buyers given the former are charged a relatively low commission rate – currently 7% – and buyers none at all.