The name of the Society shall be the CRICKET MEMORABILIA SOCIETY.
The objects of the Society shall be:-
(a) to promote interest in and preservation of Cricket Memorabilia;
(b) to work towards the maintenance of fair and realistic prices for memorabilia;
(c) to advise Insurers and Brokers and other professional and business people on valuations
of memorabilia;
(d) to produce a regular magazine and provide a forum for collectors;
(e) to participate in all work deemed to be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives;
(f) to research and record memorabilia for historical purposes and to further the knowledge of the Society’s members.
Participation shall be open to all, subject to payment of the annual subscription within three months of the beginning of the appropriate financial year.
The affairs, assets and finances of the Society shall be managed by a management Committee (hereinafter called “the Committee”)
comprising the officers of the Society namely the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and such other officers not exceeding ten in total
(a) The Committee shall meet four times a year and more frequently as necessary. Unless otherwise
provided for the Secretary shall give at least 7 days notice of meetings. The Chairman may call an
emergency meeting where appropriate.
(b) The Committee shall have the power to establish sub-committees from the membership as a
whole, not elected to the Committee, but with such powers as the Committee from time to time
determine. A Sub-Committee shall report on their proceedings to the Management Committee
as instructed.
(c) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt a member onto the Committee should a vacancy
occur. Co-opted members must offer themselves for election to the Committee at the next
Annual General Meeting if they choose to continue.
(d) The Committee shall determine the subscription which must be approved by simple majority of
the members attending the Annual General Meeting.
(e) Any dispute arising out of or not covered by this Constitution shall be determined by the Committee
whose decision shall be final.
(f) The Treasurer shall prepare an annual report and produce all certified accounts for the information of
the members and show a representation of the Society’s financial affairs. The Financial Year shall be
1st August to 31st July.
(g) The Committee shall open a Bank Account in its name and cheques shall be signed by any two officers
from Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
(h) The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Committee meetings.
(i) The quorum for all meetings of the Committee shall be five members entitled to be present and vote.
(j) Every question put to the vote shall be determined by a simple majority vote. In the case of an equality
of votes the Chairman shall have a second and casting vote.
(k) No person attached to a bona fide commercial concern and wholly dependent on cricketana business
for income shall be elected to the Committee.
Notice of the Annual General Meeting and other general meetings shall be printed in the Magazine and sent to members of the Society two
weeks before the date thereof. Circumstantial failure to comply with this rule will not invalidate the meeting.
(a) The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held in October each year.
(b) The business of the meeting shall be:-
(i) the presentation and approval of the Annual Report;
(ii) the presentation and approval of the certified accounts and approval of the subscription for
the ensuing year;
(iii) the presentation of an estimate of Receipts and Expenses for the current financial year;
(iv) the affirmation of appointed officers and Committee;
(v) the appointment of Auditors for the following year;
(vi) any other business.
(a) Extraordinary General Meetings shall be convened by the Secretary at the request of the Management
Committee or
(b) if summoned to do so in writing by 50 members of the Society.
(c) No other business shall be discussed other than that on the Agenda.
(d) Such a meeting shall be called within six weeks of receipt of such notice by the Secretary and each
Member shall be given not less than 14 days notice of that meeting
(a) The Quorum for all meetings of the Society (other than Committee meetings) shall be fifteen members.
(b) All members are entitled to attend and speak at all meetings of the Society (other than at meetings of
the Committee) and each member shall have one vote on any matter on the Agenda.
(c) The Chairman of all meetings of the Society shall be the Chairman of the Committee or a Deputy
appointed by the Committee who shall in the event of an equality of votes have a second and casting
(d) The Secretary shall keep minutes of all such meetings of the Society.
Proposals for amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted in writing at least seven weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting and
notified to all members of the Society fourteen days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting, such proposals to be voted on by all
members of the Society.
The Trustees and members of the Committee shall not be liable (otherwise than as members) for any loss suffered by the Society as a result
of the discharge of their respective duties on its behalf, except such loss as arises from their respective wilful default and they shall be
entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of the Society for all expenses and other liabilities incurred by them in the discharge of their
respective duties.
All members shall be reimbursed for all vouched costs for expenditure on behalf of the Society, subject to the approval of the Committee.
If at any time the Society in General Meeting shall pass a resolution authorising the Committee to borrow money, the Committee shall
thereupon be empowered to borrow for the purposes of the Society such amount of money either at one time or from time to time and at
such rate of interest and in such form and manner and upon such security as shall be specified in such resolution.
A member may at any time resign membership of the Society by giving notice in writing to the Secretary but shall continue to be liable for
any monies due and unpaid at the date of resignation. Any member on ceasing to be a member of the Society shall forfeit all rights and
claims upon the Society, its property and funds.
(a) In the event of the Committee deciding that it is necessary or advisable to disband or reorganise the
Society it should call a Special General Meeting to decide the issue
(b) A decision on such disbandment or re-organisation shall be agreed by a majority of participating
members voting in favour.
(c) In the event of a dissolution being approved, any assets and/or documents remaining after the
satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be applied towards any body or association having
objects similar or as near as may be to those in paragraph 2.