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CMS Magazine

The Magazine For Collectors

CMS Newsletter Iss 1Undoubtedly the flagship of the CMS, our magazine continues to be the focal point for our worldwide membership. Initially conceived and created as a newsletter, the format of the magazine has undergone a number of changes and enhancements since its initial presentation.

The original newsletter (pictured left) was written by Anthony Collis, with his title noted as “Editor (Temporary)” and was distributed as
Vol 1 Iss I, May- July 1987

Following a brief report on the founding meeting of the Society, the (temporary) editor informed members that the contents would be “decided by members” along with the proviso that “articles will be most welcome – indeed will be vitally necessary for the success of the magazine.” Sentiments repeated by successive magazine editors to this day!

CMS Mag No.1Following the production of newsletters II, III and IV it was just a year later that CMS magazine No. 1 was published in June 1988 (pictured right) in its still recognisable format. Four pages of brief reports, comments, appeals and for sale ads from members had already become a 20-page magazine filled with articles covering the wide-ranging interests of our membership. Newsletters 5 & 6 adopted the magazine layout and were alternated with magazines for the first year, but were discontinued in favour of the magazine.

The artwork and CMS logo, provided by our now President, Keith Hayhurst, have been retained and used ever since, appearing on our website, social media pages and official correspondence. It was not until magazine 50 (March 2001) that a colour element was used, in the form of a centre page spread.

Today’s magazine continues to evolve, with the adoption of colour content throughout (adopted in Magazine 114, March 2017) along with an updated outer cover but still in a format reflecting its own heritage.