Our members collect an amazing range of items from books, Wisdens, autographs and postcards, to bats, blazers, caps and ties, ceramics, metalware and paintings. Whatever your memorabilia interest – and it might not be listed above – other members are likely to share in it so this is the Society for you!
Membership Benefits
How To Join
Membership subscriptions fall due on August 1st each year*, with categories as follows:-
The CMS encourages subscription payment by Standing Order or Direct Bank Transfer; payments by cheque, and late renewal payments attract a £5 surcharge to cover administration.
*New members joining later in our ‘season’ will be offered a membership extension into the following year.
New Members
Please download and complete the application form (see below) and email to the Secretary at cmscricket87@outlook.com
If printing or scanning is not available, please email the information listed on the application form to the Secretary at cmscricket87@outlook.com
For Standing Order and Bank Transfer payments, please use your name as a reference.