Cricket History

This website has been set up to provide a place where historical or hard-to-find or interesting or research cricket material can be deposited on-line.The site will have scans of scorebooks, individual match scoresheets, scorecards from books and other material compiled by various people.It is intended to present information that will help researchers on cricket.

Nicholas Sharp Collection (2)

Nicholas Sharp Collection (2)

Nicholas Sharp takes us through a fascinating history of a ball & shoe from the 1760’s, moving on to pick out some highlights from a huge collection of scorecards.

Nicholas Sharp Collection (1)

Nicholas Sharp Collection 1

An insight into Nicholas Sharp’s extensive Ranjitsinhji collection, after an initial foray into the story of how he acquired a Duleepsinhji bat (Harrow size!) used in the 1929season.

James Merchant – Ceramics

James Merchant Ceramics

James takes us through just a small section of his extensive ceramics collection, explaining how he spends time researching each item – which certainly comes to the fore as he guides us through just a few cabinet shelves filled with some impressive items!

Andy Collier – Ashes

Collier - Ashes

In this video, Andy discusses Ashes memorabilia in his collection. Among a varied and wide-ranging list of collectables, we are treated to an inkwell, ceramics, signed photos and a table lighter all of which having an Ashes connection.

Andy Collier – New Books & More

Collier Books and More

Andy focusses our attention on a number of new books added to his collection, along with some additional items he has collected recently, including some original press photos and a pair of Victorian Wicket-Keeping gloves.

Jon Filby Collection (2)

Jon Filby Collection (2)

Part 2 of this visit to Jon’s library includes some of his favourite books, all signed of course, some by the author and others with multiple signatories inside. With a strong Sussex theme throughout his collection, Jon’s marketing skills come to the fore on behalf of the Sussex Museum! From books, we move to some […]

Jon Filby Collection (1)

Jon Filby Collection (1)

Part 1 of a visit to Jon’s library begins with Jon’s own background and almost inevitable foray into cricket and collecting. We are treated to an impressively-curated file full of autographs in chronological order, gathered together over more than 20 years and sourced from auctions, websites and collecting friends.

David Frith (1)

David Frith Collection (1)

David invites us into the world of A.E. Stoddart (‘Stoddy’); a fascinating world which could well have been lost in the mists of cricket history were it not for David’s own research and publications highlighting the life and achievements of a remarkable sportsman. The video ends with reference to just a few of David’s thousands […]

David Frith (2)

D Frith Collection (2)

David Frith’s own collection has worldwide fame for being somewhat eclectic. As if to prove it, David selects a number of items to surprise even the most ardent collector. From Arthur Mailey’s own book, filled with his own (signed) sketches, to glass bottles and from cigarette cards to players’ boots, not forgetting a piece of […]